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Core Values


2 Corinthians 5:17-21

We believe that right relationships with God and man provide the right resource for real restoration. 



Relationships are ‘vehicles’ to outwork the redemptive plan and purpose of God, with marriage being the ‘pattern’ of the principles for all relationships. Relationships are pathways in the spirit. 


We will conduct consistent teaching about God’s ‘blueprint for marriages’ and we are dedicated to building a culture of covenant within the church. 


We will ‘build’ relationships that model teamwork, interdependence and genuine concern for others.


We will build a community of believers that models how to live in an atmosphere of faith, hope and love.


It is within our relationships that we disciple one another to the formation of ‘Christ within’.


We will consistently ensure that we influence, edify, exhort, comfort and encourage those we are in relationship with to be dedicated disciples of Jesus.



John 1:14, Luke 2:52

We believe that integrity enhances ministry credibility, builds strong spiritual authority and increases individual and corporate impact within our community.


Integrity fosters agreement and synergy, both personally and corporately.


We will ‘weigh up’ and ‘count the cost’ of every commitment we make, to ourselves, our community and to our church, so that we can fulfil those commitments with diligence and discipline in order to build strong credibility.


We will apply resource, accountability and excellence to every church ministry, activity or endeavour, in order to represent Jesus as well as we are able and to reap the greatest possible benefit for the Kingdom of God.


Integrity is ‘wholeness’ and is a maintainer of unity, therefore integrity draws the ‘commanded blessing’ of God.


We will make sure we are pursuing personal wholeness, corporate wholeness and wholeness in our relationships with other churches and ministries.

Small Group Ministry

Acts 2:42-47

We believe that small groups can provide an environment conducive to evangelism and 'organic growth' and they are the foundation blocks of a 'connected' community.


Small groups provide an environment where people can receive ‘holistic’ ministry (physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually).


We will provide opportunity for people to form small groups for multiple purposes and for common interests (homogenous groups).


Small groups are ‘vehicles’ for building right relationships.


We will foster genuine concern for others by practicing open, honest, transparent sharing and interaction with others in small groups.


Small groups are ‘vehicles’ for the expression of each believer’s giftedness, passions and ministry.


We will build atmospheres of faith, hope, love and Godly expectation within our small groups, in order to encourage the expression of each person’s gifts, talents and ministry attributes.


Small groups are ‘vehicles’ for reaching our neighbors for Christ.


We will build warm, friendly environments and consistently invite our families, neighbors and friends to join with us so they can experience the convicting and convincing power of The Holy Spirit for their own lives.


Matthew 6:9-15

We believe that all endeavours for the advance of the Kingdom should be birthed in prayer, bathed in prayer and built in prayer to hold any eternal substance or worth.


Prayer develops intimacy – with the one you pray to, the one you pray for and the one you pray with and that intimacy, especially with God, empowers us for effective ministry.


We will consistently and diligently practice personal prayerfulness & intercession and corporate prayerfulness & intercession so that we develop ‘passionate spirituality’ and we foster a ‘spirit of prayer’ within our lives and our church.


‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’ - Mark 11:17

Praise and Worship

John 4:23-24; John 3:30

We believe it is in praise & worship that we exalt Jesus, encounter Jesus and make responses to Jesus, i.e. ‘more of Him, less of us’.


Praise & worship should be part of our response to what God is doing to us and what God is saying to us, both personally and corporately.


In our corporate meetings, we will provide opportunity for The Holy Spirit to draw us into the presence of God through celebration, the proclamation of The Word and the manifestation of the gifts of The Holy Spirit.


We will come to corporate meetings enthused by what The Holy Spirit is doing within our personal lives, and be prepared to celebrate and testify of God’s goodness.


The creativity of The Holy Spirit is demonstrated in worship, creative arts and drama.


We will develop drama and the arts as innovative and diverse ways to express praise & worship to God.

Youth & Children

Psalm 127:3-5; Psalm 110:3

We believe it is one generations responsibility to â€˜hand the baton’ to the next generation and it is the heart of a father to desire to see that next generation excel far beyond their own achievements.


We must give our children and youth the opportunity to respond to the Word, be empowered by the Holy Spirit and minister to one another.


Our Children’s Church and Youth Ministry will not be ‘baby-sitting services’, but will maintain a sense of deliberately encouraging our children and young adults to sanctified living and practical service to Jesus.  


We will teach our children and youth to share the love of Jesus in order for them to impact their own generation with the love and power of God.


The youth and the children of our churches are not simply the ‘church of tomorrow’, they are vitally and integrally a part of the ‘church of today’.


We will have the youth and children of the church participate in all the dynamics of church life, including platform ministry, drama, the arts and music.

Community Outreach & Missions

Matthew 28:18-20

We believe the heart of the Gospel is to â€˜go’ and ‘make disciples’ and the heart of the apostolic mandate is to â€˜send’and be sent.


The church must communicate the Gospel and the love of God locally, nationally and internationally.


We will continue to develop and support community crisis care in our city and nation, to those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.


We will regularly send teams on short term international mission trips.


The local church of today must continually break out of ‘introversion’ and be seen to have a genuine interest in the well-being of its general community.


We will continue to have church members involved in local community organisations in order to be ‘eyes and ears’ for the church to discern the genuine felt needs of the community.


We will actively partner with other community organisations in projects that meet the felt needs of our community, in order to be seen to have a genuine interest and influence in the prosperity of our city.

Core Values: List
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